What Harlem taught me

What Harlem taught me

In October 2019, I was staying in a hotel in New York and decided that I wanted to visit Harlem. More than that, what I really wanted was to experience a service in a Baptist Church. This was something I’d only seen in films and on television, something I realised I...
Doubling Distance

Doubling Distance

Navigation at sea is easy nowadays. We have electronic charts and GPS. The chart provides a map and the GPS tells us where we are. Easy. But what do you do when you are chatting with your friends in the cockpit and you want a rough estimate of how far away from...


For five weeks in the summer of 2021, I took a break. With a series of friends and family I took our boat from Suffolk to the Isles of Scilly and back. Most of the time we explored Cornwall, the fishing villages, small harbours and a few commercial centres. The...
Fear Hack Video Book

Fear Hack Video Book

https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_1nX7YH47F/ Lockdown benefits! Fear Hack is now available as a video book We even got the author to read it for us The whole book is on IGTV And in this crazy virus time, it’s for...
My Do

My Do

  I first went to The Do Lectures in 2011 …. then everything started to change. In 2019, I was asked to speak. I knew what I had to talk...